The Stone Zoo “Zoologico de Piedra”. Cultural Patrimony of the Nation |
The Stone Zoo “Zoologico de Piedra”, is a conjunct of special characteristics, as much by the materials and tools in its completion as by the formal conception that include its plastic solution; and for those reasons it has taken place as an exceptional testimony of the artistic creation of our people.
The ministry of Culture, conscious of the importance that represents for that Cuban culture, the protection of values that are parts of our national identity besides recognizing in the work of the sculptor Angel Iñigo the exceptional character of the same, by being an example that grows from the intricate nature at a rural zone of our native country.
It declares Cultural Patrimony of Cuba, the sculptural conjunct known as Stone Zoo “Zoologico de Piedra”, which will stay joined to the regulations that determine the law #1 of the protection to the Cultural Patrimony, approved by the National Assembly of the Popular Power an August 4th, 1977.